San Francisco

Young Women's Chorus seeking singers 12-18

The Young Women’s Chorus is YWCP’s premiere performing ensemble and is comprised of singers who exhibit excellent vocal technique and exceptional musicianship skills. YWC sings challenging choral music for women’s voices, emphasizing classical compositions from all eras, and including world music, jazz and Broadway selections. All members of YWC take voice lessons from a professional voice teacher in small classes every other week. Led by Artistic Director, Dr.

Allegro Chorus seeking singers 10-15

Through a Kodály music curriculum, choristers learn more advanced sight-reading, treble clef note names and basic rhythms, as well as a free vocal production music theory, ear training, vocal technique, and performance skills. They learn to sing in two-, three- and four-part harmony with repertoire in many styles and languages. This ensemble begins advanced level repertoire and performs 4-6 times a year and meets twice a week, Wednesdays and Sundays from 4 – 6pm. For more information call us at 415-312-7787 or visit our website