San Francisco Ballet loses its head.
Batsheva Dance Company goes Gaga without apologies.
Choreographer Jiří Bubeníček adds another remarkable, new work to the company’s repertory.
Madness and high art mingle in this kaleidoscopic one-dancer show.
The legendary dancer talks about Letter to a Man, a powerful interpretation of another legend’s descent into madness.
The postmodern choreographer continues to explore the limits of physical expression in a new piece set to a Laurie Anderson score.
The venerable performance space inaugurates its fifth decade with a full slate of exhibitions, parties, and special events.
Eloquent choreography and music without borders energize a timeless love tale from Azerbaijan.
Being a deaf dancer, says Antoine Hunter, is a two-way mirror in which you are acutely aware of the differences between how you see yourself and how others see you.
The long-running event features more than 400 dancers and musicians representing 20 world cultures.