Sing for Award Winning Chamber Chorus
For more information visit our website at To request an audition, please send an email with a brief musical resume to The audition includes vocalizing, assessment of vocal instrument and aural skills, tonal and atonal sight-reading, two prepared works of contrasting style and language.
Music in the Eastern European Tradition & Schubert
Music Director checks voice range, blending ability, singing in tune, sight reading and musicianship skills.
Audition for the San Francisco Boys Chorus!
The San Francisco Boys Chorus is a universally recognized arts leader, promoting excellence in performance and arts education. Boys 4-1/2 to 12 are welcome! We have a Graduate Chorus for older boys. To register or for more information visit
Artistic Director / Principal Conductor Search
Please send a cover letter, resume and answers to the Applicant
Questionnaire by July 15, earlier if possible. Job description and
Applicant Questionnaire can be found on BARS website
or directly at the following link: