Sing with the SF Boys Chorus - SF, Oakland & Marin
Auditions for boys with unchanged voices will take place in Oakland, San Rafael and San Francisco on June 8th. The Chorus has provided music education and performance opportunities for Bay Area boys for 65 years. Chorus experience includes weekly training during the school year, a summer music camp and touring.
Sign-up at
Male voices for Professional Christmas Caroling Co
The Merrie Olde Christmas Carolers, the world's largest PROFESSIONAL caroling company, is auditioning MALE VOICES to sing throughout the bay area (San Francisco, North Bay, East Bay and South Bay) for the 2013 season.
Sing the Brahms Requiem in Summer 2013!
Our Music Director checks for voice range, blend, sight-reading ability, and musicianship. You don’t have to bring a prepared song. He might ask you to sing something by yourself, after he’s played through that same music with you.
Interested in Singing Sacred Choral Music?
The Parish Choir, a mixed semi-professional adult choir sings a diverse repertoire ranging from chant, Renaissance and Baroque motets to Anglican anthems, shaped-note music, and newly composed sacred works. Weekly Thursday rehearsal, 7-9 p.m. You will be requested to sing a prepared piece of any style that shows your ability and musicality.