San Francisco

San Francisco's Newest Choir Seeks Young Women in 2nd-7th Grades!

The Young Women’s Choral Projects of San Francisco transforms the lives of young women through exceptional artistry in choral performance, and brings the expressive power of their music to the community, the nation, and the world. Through YWCP, young women ages 7-18 from richly diverse socio-ethnic backgrounds find their voices as singers, artists and women in a nurturing environment that empowers them to achieve artistic and personal excellence.

Seeking Young Women in 5th-10th Grades!

The Young Women’s Choral Projects of San Francisco transforms the lives of young women through exceptional artistry in choral performance, and brings the expressive power of their music to the community, the nation, and the world. Through YWCP, young women ages 7-18 from richly diverse socio-ethnic backgrounds find their voices as singers, artists and women in a nurturing environment that empowers them to achieve artistic and personal excellence.

Join San Francisco Boys Chorus — Auditions Announcement

Why San Francisco Boys Chorus?
Vocal Training—Music Appreciation—Self-Confidence—Teamwork—Self-Discipline—Fun! Performances with the San Francisco Opera and Symphony, domestic and international tours, television appearances and CD recordings. Financial assistance available.

Who Should Sign Up?
Boys ages 5 to 12 with unchanged voices from all cultural, ethnic, and economic backgrounds. Boys up to 8 do not need previous music experience. Boys older than 8 should be able to read basic music and have some musical experience (instrument or singing).