Music News

Tristan Arnold - January 6, 2012
Photo by Steve Snodgrass
Photo by Steve Snodgrass

Michael Zwiebach - January 6, 2012

The key here is whether your child (or whoever is playing) is a beginner, a casual player, just trying the instrument out, or is really into it and is seriously expressing herself/ himself through the instrument. You should rent an instrument for the beginner/ casual player and buy one for the serious player.

There. Don't you wish all of life were that easy?

Michael Zwiebach - January 6, 2012

Electronic keyboards have a wide range of uses. They are portable, they can be hooked up, via an industry-standard MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) to a computer for composition, recording, and signal-processing.

Michael Zwiebach - January 6, 2012

Consider the needs of the person(s) playing the piano in your house, but you should also think long term.

Sarah Sloan - January 6, 2012
Basia Bulat, Photo by John Benson
Photo by John Benson

One of the many crucial things a young singer must learn when developing good vocal tec

Lisa Petrie - January 6, 2012
How Can Wind Players Deal with Braces?
Are braces getting in the way?
Doris Fukawa - January 6, 2012
Crowden Music Day
Crowden Music Day

When children play in ensembles, they have individual responsibilities but also share the experience of making

Marianne Lipanovich - January 6, 2012
Lessons at CMC
Lessons at CMC

Finding the right teacher makes all the difference. Start by asking for recommendations from friends and family.

Jeff Kaliss - January 6, 2012
Matt at Keys for Kids Music Foundation
Matt at Keys for Kids Music Foundation

Praise, not punishment

Kids will push back if you try to force

Lisa Petrie - January 6, 2012

Children between the ages of 3 and 10 should have a parent present at both lessons and practice sessions.