Music News

Doris Fukawa - January 6, 2012
Crowden Music Day
Crowden Music Day

When children play in ensembles, they have individual responsibilities but also share the experience of making

Marianne Lipanovich - January 6, 2012
Lessons at CMC
Lessons at CMC

Finding the right teacher makes all the difference. Start by asking for recommendations from friends and family.

Jeff Kaliss - January 6, 2012
Matt at Keys for Kids Music Foundation
Matt at Keys for Kids Music Foundation

Praise, not punishment

Kids will push back if you try to force

Lisa Petrie - January 6, 2012

Children between the ages of 3 and 10 should have a parent present at both lessons and practice sessions.

Goran Berg - January 5, 2012

Parents of young children learning music are advised to be involved in their daily practice sessions.

Sarah Sloan - January 5, 2012

To belt or not to belt? This is often a controversial question within the singing community.

Lisa Petrie - January 5, 2012

You may wonder, when researching music teachers, whether your child needs classical training if she or he is more interested in rock, jazz, folk or world music, for example.

Jesse Hamlin - January 5, 2012
Drumming at the CMC
Drumming at the CMC

Improvisation—the spontaneous creation of music—is an ancient art practiced in cultures worldwide.

Kathy Butera - January 5, 2012

The Dalcroze method, also known as Dalcroze Eurhythmics, incorporates the basic elements of music—rhythm, melody, harmony—with body movement, to provide a multi-dimensional approach to music learning.

Kathy Butera - January 5, 2012

Through the Suzuki method young children master basic musical skills, improve listening ability, and acquire physical comfort with their instrument and with performing.