The innovative company’s 2016–2017 season features operas by Philip Glass, Jonathan Dove, and Christopher Pratorius.
The second cast delivered intriguing but mixed performances in the S.F. Opera production.
Next up at the brand new series: Bach played on a “guitello.” Read on, to find out what that is.
An Early Music Film Festival adds a welcome new dimension to the venerable Berkeley institution.
The Canadian-born administrator believes in pushing the envelope.
The Canadian Opera Company's alleged effort to squelch reviews by Arthur Kaptainis raises questions about the role of arts criticism in the era of market-driven media.
The Catalan director will stand in for Calixto Bieito in a production that strives for true Spanish soul without the usual clichés.
The San Francisco Opera company’s musical director elected to move on after his contract expires two years from now.
The BCCO remains vital and ambitious; witness their choice of Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem to wrap their 50th anniversary season.
The lauded American singer engages life with the same visceral intensity he brings to his musical roles.