High School

Community Music Center Opera & Musical Theatre Scenes Workshop

Learn how to combine your acting and solo singing skills by preparing scenes from operas and musicals! Students will be cast in scenes for one to five characters and develop these scenes for a performance at the end of the session. Classes will address character development, stage technique, musicality and style issues. Students will work on their own scenes and observe the development of other participants’ scenes

Community Music Center Latin-Flaminco Ensemble (Potingue)

Play Cuban, Latin American and Flamenco music and learn how to use traditional concepts and styles to create contemporary music. Improve your improvisational skills and deepen your understanding of these forms. The focus of the Latin-Flamenco ensemble will be on the development of advanced arrangements and the preparation of a cohesive group for public performances. This ensemble performs under the name Potingue, which means “an unusual mix” in Spanish. There will be winter and spring performances at CMC and other shows around the Bay Area.