Middle School

Community School of Music and Arts Instrumental Ensembles

Learn to play music together! Beginning and intermediate ensembles for strings, wind, brass, percussion. Beginning Level Prereq: 1-2 yrs of private instruction; no prior ensemble experience required. Intermediate Level Prereq: 3-4 yrs of private instruction; 1 yr of ensemble training. Leads to youth orchestra, band, jazz combos, chamber music. Pianists may join as opportunities arise.

Community Music Center Music Therapy

CMC offers weekly, individual music therapy for students of all ages with special needs. This program is especially suitable for students with physical, emotional or developmental disabilities, and is led by an experienced Certified Music Therapist. Musical experience and life skills go hand-in-hand and music therapy offers individuals of all abilities the opportunity to experience self-empowerment through music. Students may develop musical skills and awareness as they work on physical, emotional or developmental goals.