
Crowden Center for Music in the Community Music Mind Games: building a musical vocabulary

A unique and fun introduction to the basic aspects of music literacy, beginning with note reading, ear training, notation, and the understanding and hearing of rhythmic patterns. Games slowly progress to include more advanced topics such as intervals, chords, tempi, signs, and the basics of composition. Music Mind Games not only teaches musical concepts, but also supports the development of the child’s mind by asking questions rather than giving answers, encouraging the children to open up to exploration and discovery. The result is joyful confidence and the desire to learn more.

Crowden Center for Music in the Community Preparatory String Ensembles

In this ensemble for mixed strings, students work on following a conductor, counting, playing as a group, intonation, bowing, and phrasing. Repertoire includes beginning-level arrangements of standard string repertoire. Intended for violin, viola, cello, and bass students who have facility with basic shifting and bowing techniques. Note-reading skills are expected, and students are required to study privately with a teacher of their choice. Audition required.

Crowden Center for Music in the Community Beginning Ensemble Skills

An introduction to the basic skills required for ensemble playing, including listening, following directions, and cooperation among fellow players. Intended for students with at least one year of study on their chosen instruments; students are expected to study privately with a teacher of their choice in conjunction with the class. Session culminates in an informal class performance. Placement interview or teacher recommendation required.

Crowden Center for Music in the Community Suzuki Strings

The Suzuki program is intended for families who are committed to pursuing instrument study as a central activity in their family life. The cornerstone of the Suzuki program at Crowden is the creation of a cooperative relationship between teacher, parent, and student. Parents take an active role in the educational process by attending all lessons and classes, and by practicing daily with their children at home.