In its West Coast premiere, Gregory Spears’s opera about two closeted gay men is a moving reminder of what’s always at stake with love.
The composer’s latest opera, recorded shortly after its 2023 premiere, has a spare but intriguing setup.
The violist and violinist, longtime members of the ensemble who are both retiring this month, reflect on 40-plus years of championing new music.
Played simultaneously on a rotating turntable, the double production invites speculation on power relations and much more.
The annual week of concerts and workshops led by the Resonance Collective offers singers the opportunity to experiment.
Lisa Mezzacappa and Beth Lisick’s The Electronic Lover captures the world of emotions that can exist in the chat room.
Music Director Mitsuko Uchida uses her Mozart chops to program a festival that, as usual, is wonderfully out of the ordinary.
Opera Parallèle stages Spears’s Fellow Travelers this month, while Santa Fe Opera is set for the world premiere of The Righteous later this summer.