Eun Sun Kim leads a riveting performance and a cast of standouts, with three principals new to their roles.
The group’s season-opening concert features two surging string works by Mexican composers.
With travel to the country impossible, ensembles and presenters are adjusting their seasons and touring plans.
The famous academic and activist curates a concert that reflects her personal journey.
The conductor burnishes her resume with strong performances of music by Sergei Rachmaninoff and Jessie Montgomery.
The new piece, written for Emanuel Ax, is bookended by two familiar staples.
Whether it’s preparing the SFS Chorus or conducting the LA Master Chorale, Wong has a knack for bringing musicians together.
Sheku Kanneh-Mason takes on Shostakovich’s First Cello Concerto, while Dudamel leads a Villa-Lobos ballet and Stravinsky’s Firebird.