A cappella

Paid Tenors and Baritones

We are Northern California premier caroling company ( also in NYC, Florida and NJ). We provide great training, support and fantastic Victorian costumes for our quartettes.
Please visit the Yuletide Carolers.com on line for more information on us.
Auditions are by appointment this Sunday 10/26 11- 2pm at Phoenix Theatre Annex, 414 Mason St., SF.
How to Apply / Contact
HS/resume/appt: patricia.brooks@theyuletidecarolers.com; (800) 791-0210 x4. Info: theyuletidecarolers.com.

A cappella choral auditions August 2014

August 25 and 27, 2014

For detailed information, visit LacunaArts.org/auditions

Lacuna Arts Chorale is an a cappella chorus of 32–40 balanced voices is made up of singers from our Ensemble and Chamber Choir. Repertoire for the 2014–2015 season includes Stanford’s monumental Magnificat in B-flat, Op. 164. and polychoral motets by Praetorius and G. Gabrieli. Placement into one of our performing groups is by audition only.