Creativity blossoms within architectural wonders at the annual solstice event in Oakland's Chapel of the Chimes.
The concert pianist offers insights into his haunted early years, his controversial book, and the transformational power of music.
Chamber Music in Historic Sites sponsors intimate music in architecturally significant chambers.
A dedicated ensemble playing unique instruments presents rarely performed microtonal works by Harry Partch and Ben Johnston.
Voices of Music and the San Francisco Girls Chorus create a version like the one performed in Purcell's lifetime.
Sequentia performs compellingly reconstructed music from a thousand years ago.
The virtuoso violinist brings her relentless curiosity and unbridled passion for new music to the pioneering festival.
LCCE guitarist Michael Goldberg is featured in three latter-day serenades.
The "Transformations" program pairs Schoenberg's riotous Chamber Symphony No. 1 with intriguing new works by Julie Barwick and David Lipten.
The pulse of the human heart is central to Telegraph's approach to three quartets at Noe Valley.