The polished ensemble’s signature blend brings out the best in quartets by Beethoven and his mentor.
The venerable pianist makes the most of his left-hand repertoire.
Composer Allen Shearer and librettist Claudia Stevens talk about the creation of their new opera, which premieres in collaboration with Earplay this month.
A local tour by the St. Lawrence String Quartet kicks off the new collaborative effort to expand access to great chamber music.
UC Davis’s new-music group tackles the most challenging of modern compositions and scores.
A concert titled “Low Hanging Fruit” gathers a bounty of challenging new works.
The early music ensemble colors outside the borders with inspiring collaborators from Azerbaijan and Québec.
Ensemble for These Times presents a marathon concert of contemporary art songs, some successful, some not.
It’s one helluva musical journey at the Getty Villa.
A multimedia concert, inspired by Mad Max: Fury Road, combines classical and popular music for an immersive experience.