Marin County

Marin Baroque seeking singers for November 2017 concert

Marin Baroque, an emerging professional level chamber choir with outstanding period instrument orchestra, is seeking tenors. There is also a paid position for a soprano. Requirements include: strong choral experience, an understanding of vocal technique, and the ability to read music. Solo opportunities. November 2017 concert: music by Biber, Mozart, and Haydn, including Haydn's Kleine Orgelmesse.
Contact Betsy Levine-Proctor, 415-497-6634 or to arrange an audition.

Marin Baroque is auditioning singers

Marin Baroque Chamber Choir and period instrument Orchestra is an emerging-professional 16-voice choir directed by Daniel Canosa, founded in 2012 and based in San Anselmo, CA. We strive to present engaging and entertaining programs of both unusual and familiar music of the Renaissance, Baroque & Classical periods.

Our season: concerts in November and March, and opera or concert in June.