World Music

Non-Western classical music

Scott Cmiel - October 1, 2012

Sergio and Odair Assad have been the preeminent classical guitar duo of the last 40 years, having set the standard for technical excellence, sensitive musicianship, and innovative repertoire choices.

Michael Zwiebach - May 25, 2012

As an introduction to the riches of the Spanish classical tradition, you could not do any better than this concert.

Jeff Dunn - May 8, 2012

Fans of the Oakland East Bay Symphony should be on pins and needles for its upcoming May concert.

Michael Zwiebach - March 16, 2012

Cauvin is a technical wizard, of course, but
one who seems entranced by the possibilities that opens for him.

Lisa Petrie - March 8, 2012

Zakir Hussain delivers brilliant performances that have established him as a national treasure in his native India.

Jeff Kaliss - August 17, 2011

The jazz legend reflects on his musical origins and work with Miles Davis and others, and gives his views on reconnecting people with their cultural roots.

Michael Zwiebach - March 1, 2011

The Jewish Music Festival kicks off in Berkeley with the Ger Mandolin Ensemble, a mandolin orchestra, inspired by a pre-World War II group that was destroyed during the Nazi occupation of Poland.

Allan Ulrich - January 29, 2009
The Symphony’s annual family concerts on the occasion of the Lunar New Year are not only colorful celebrations of Chinese culture and music, they also present first-class talent. It was at one of these concerts that Yuja Wang, now a pianist superstar, made her San Franciso debut.
Heuwell Tircuit - December 29, 2008

Yo-Yo Ma’s and his Silk Road Project have come up with a new CD featuring a host of young performers supported by the Chicago Symphony. Titled Traditions and Transformations, the disc includes two standard works, Ernest Bloch’s Schelomo and Prokofiev rambunctious Scythian Suite, Op.