Enjoy a sparkling evening of Early Classical music in London, Paris and Vienna with music by Haydn, Joseph Bologne Chevalier de Saint-Georges and Johann Christian Bach as you travel with Voices of Music to London, Paris and Vienna with our ingenious soloists Augusta McKay Lodge, Eva Lymenstull and Shelby Yamin as our tour guides, leading us through these vibrant musical neighborhoods.
Three Bay Area Performances:
Friday, January 10, 2025, 7pm
First Palo Alto United Methodist Church
625 Hamilton Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301
Saturday, January 11, 2025, 7:30pm
First Church Berkeley UCC
2330 Durant Ave. (pedestrian and wheelchair entrance on Dana St)
Berkeley, CA 94704
Sunday, January 12, 2025, 7:30pm
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Caroline Hume Concert Hall
50 Oak St. San Francisco, CA 94102
Live performances by Voices of Music deliver the highest-quality music, blending innovation, originality, and passion to introduce diverse audiences to the world of early classical music.
To see a selection of our award winning, ultra high definition videos visit our video webpage:
$5 (full-time students) to $63 (adults under 65).