Dr. Stephen Lewis will be visiting from Portland, Oregon to play on the Vernon Salon Series. Stephen will play all of the piano works of Schoenberg, Webern and Berg in one evening, including Berg's famous Op. 1 Sonata and Schoenberg's Suite for Klavier, Op. 25. Stephen writes on his website: "My goal is to wake up the possibility of new meanings and connections for all of this music in today’s world, shaking us loose from a rigid appreciation of classical music that relies solely on the reification of our class rank as listeners to 'great' music by 'genius”' composers." Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear all of these works in one sitting!
Tickets are $35 general/$20 for students and can be paid via Venmo or in cash the day of the show. Please email Anne about additional details regarding pre-paying and the venue's address. This event is live in-person as well as streamed live HERE.