UC Alumni Chorus is happy to be back singing and we hope you can join us on: Sunday, April 3rd, 7:30 pm, Hertz Hall - UC Berkeley Campus. The concert will feature the Dona Nobis Pacem, composed by R. Vaughan Williams in 1936, with texts largely taken from the Mass, three poems by Walt Whitman, and a political speech. The UC Alumni Chorus will be augmented by singers from the UC Chorales, the First Unitarian Society of San Francisco, and a full orchestra and soloists. The program will also include beautiful settings of Walt Whitman texts: R. Vaughan Williams' powerful "Toward the Unknown Region" and two recent gems set by Michael Hennagin and Carlyle Sharpe.
Tickets: $20-$15-$10 * available at the door or online at https://grantuspeace.bpt.me/