'Second Sunday' Evensong featuring music of black composers

Presented by St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Healdsburg

Paul Blanchard

Organist Paul Blanchard, Director of Music for St. Paul's Episcopal Church, plays the Bigelow pipe organ for an evensong for the feast of James Theodore Holly, Bishop of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The music of black composers will be featured. The church choir will sing. The public is welcome to attend the concert or to watch the live stream online. Admission is free. The church is located at 209 Matheson St., one block east of Healdsburg's downtown Plaza.

Program Items

David Hurd "Teach Me O Lord"
David Hurd "St. Andrew"
Norah Duncan IV "O Radiant Light"
Norah Duncan IV "Nunc Dimittis"
Trevor Weston "Pools of Living Water"


Paul Blanchard Organist