Composer Ingram Marshall was a beloved and influential presence in the Bay Area, where he spent his formative years in the 1970s and 1980s, teaching at the San Francisco Conservatory and writing some of his most iconic works. Composer Steve Reich says of him: “He had his own unique musical voice, and that is a rare treasure that will stay with us. He lived much of his early musical life in the Bay Area and as usual, listened carefully to what was going on around him. His well-known Fog Tropes combines recorded fog horns with brass and shifting harmonies centered around A to capture the sound and mood of the Bay Area—while also remaining totally elusive. Ingram Marshall’s music is not so simple. Like all real art, it's impossible to nail down, but its beauty and intelligence are radiantly clear.” To honor Marshall’s memory and his remarkable music, several of his close collaborators and colleagues, including John Adams, Timo Andres, Sarah Cahill, Libby Van Cleve, and Benjamin Verdery, will present compositions he dedicated to them, and Edwin Outwater conducts Fog Tropes with students from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music.