A Rip-Roaring Gold Rush Ball

Presented by Period Events & Entertainments Re-creation Society (PEERS)


Join us for a Rip-Roaring dance hall party at our recreation of the notorious Bella Union dance hall in Gold Rush era San Francisco. Our actual location is the historic Alameda Elks Lodge Grand Ballroom and Salon at 2255 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda, CA 94051.

After the 7pm pre-ball Victorian dance lesson, Bangers & Mash plays an evening of popular dance music from mid-century America – from waltzes, polkas, mazurka waltzes, and schottisches to quadrilles,contra dances, reels, and mixers. No partners needed and all pattern dances will be taught and called.

Gold Rush era costume (1840’s – 1850’s informal or evening wear – any class), Old West costume, Saloon Girl/Dance Hall Girl costume, Victorian Steampunk, or modern evening dress is admired but not required. But please, gunslingers: Leave your guns at home! This here’s a party, not a showdown!

Our usual excellent No Host bar will be available (That means you pay for your own drinks, pardner!) and a light snack buffet will be served (You potluck finger food contributions are very welcome!). For those wanting a break from the lively dancing, the elegant parlor will be available for cards and conversation!

Tickets are $20 through August 31; $25 at the door. For ticket information, see http://www.peersdance.org/goldrush.html If you have any questions, please email us at peers@peersdance.org

City: Alameda
Price Range:
$20 - $25

Program Items

Josef Strauss Feuerfest Polka (The Bohemian National Polka)
Johann Strauss, Jr. The Blue Danube Waltz
Anonymous (19th Century French) Les Lanciers
James Bland The Golden Slippers Quadrille
Steven Foster Oh, Susannah (Polka)


Bangers & Mash Historical dance band

Alameda Elks Lodge

Alameda Elks Lodge

2255 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
United States