Andrew York is one of today’s best loved composers for classical guitar and a performer of international stature. His compositions blend the styles of ancient eras with modern musical directions, creating music that is at once vital, multi-leveled and accessible. Andrew received a Grammy as a member of the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet during his 16 years with the cutting-edge ensemble. York’s compositions have been featured on Grammy-winning recordings by Jason Vieaux and Sharon Isbin. In 2006 Andrew recorded and performed with the Atlanta Symphony for the opera Ainadamar by Osvaldo Golijov. The recording of Ainadamar (Deutsche Gramophone) won two Grammy Awards. Andrew’s video Home has received over 2 million views, with Andrew playing his recent hit on a vintage Torres guitar built-in 1888. Andrew’s most recent recordings Home and The Equations of Beauty, were released on both vinyl LP and two separate EP/CDs. The recordings include the single “Home” and the 26-minute suite “The Equations of Beauty,” based on mathematics.