Ragazzi Boys Chorus will lift their voices with festive songs of the holiday season in the concert Magnificent Wonders. Featuring Ragazzi’s Concert Group, Choral Scholars, and Young Men’s Ensemble, as well as several pieces accompanied by a guest string quartet, this evening of marvelous music is filled with treasured yuletide favorites including Joy to the World, Ding Dong! Merrily On High, and I Saw Three Ships, as well as stunning choral pieces including Franz Biebl’s Ave Maria, Rosephanye Powell’s Non Nobis Domine, John Rutter’s For the Beauty of the Earth, and Nigerian carol Betelehemu, celebrating the season of wonder.
Price Range:
$15 to $35
Kent Jue
Artistic & Executive Director; Director of Concert Group & Choral Scholars
Yongyu Gao
Collaborative Pianist
Travis Rogers
Director of Young Men’s Ensemble
Nancy Whitecar
Assistant Director of Young Men’s Ensemble & Collaborative Pianist