A musician and interdisciplinary artist of diverse interests, Daniel Schreiner is fashioning a career of experimentation and radical discovery. As an acclaimed piano soloist, Daniel has premiered several works by living composers and produced thought-provoking, genre-bending recitals internationally, most recently in a year-long residency at the Fondation des États-Unis in Paris, France. As an avid chamber musician, Daniel has worked with Betsy Jolas, members of the JACK Quartet, Alan Pierson of Alarm Will Sound, David Bloom of Contemporaneous, Ensemble Calliopée, Infrasound, LIGAMENT, and more. After winning Found Sound Nation’s OneBeat Residency in 2021, Daniel collaborated with music-makers around the globe to create eclectic work blending piano music with Brazilian viola caipira, Bolivian quena, Hindustani-tradition vocal stylings, field recordings, electronic sound design, and video art. Daniel is excited to bring his new recital program Bluedreams to Old First Concerts, where he will feature two west coast premieres by Brittany J. Green and Ramin Roshandel alongside solo piano works by John Cage, Claude Debussy, György Ligeti, Tristan Murail, Erik Satie, and Amy Williams, interspersed with fixed-media audiovisual “interludes” composed by himself and various duo collaborators. Bluedreams endeavors to explore the beguiling, physically-affecting quality of sound itself, celebrating sound’s ability to plunge the listener into enveloping, meditative, and even trance-like states as a modality for healing and introspection.