A Tour of Mexico presented by Michael Christie and New West Symphony

Presented by New West Symphony

Sun, May 23, 3-5pm Pacific time


A Tour of Mexico is a four-day festival of events culminating in a symphony concert featuring the New West Symphony led by Music and Artistic Director Michael Christie. On May 23, it culminates with a feature symphony concert presentation, spotlighting virtuosic guitarist Jiji Kim and harpist Maria Casale, with works by Arturo Marquez, Fernando Arroyo Lascurain, Silvestre Revueltas, Manuel Ponce, Gabriela Ortiz, Jose Enrique Gonzalez-Medina and the traditional Mexican folk song, El Son de la Negra. A Tour of Mexico is presented in partnership with the Museum of Ventura County.


Along with the symphony concert, Season and Concert Passport holders can enjoy access to companion cultural festival programs for further immersion into the music, the artistry, and the culture that inspired the concert, curated by Michael Christie. These events will take place on Thursday, May 20 at 6pm PT - a Pre-Concert Talk from UCLA Senior Lecturer, David Ravetch, who explores the music presented in the A Tour of Mexico concert in an informative, audience-friendly format; Friday, May 21 at 7pm PT - Culture Insights, an exploration of Southern California's heritage, including demonstrations of traditional instruments and performance, and discussions about history, arts and music; and Saturday, May 22 at 7pm PT - Meet the Artists, a longstanding New West Symphony tradition which brings audiences closer to the guest artists and offers an opportunity to learn about artistic and creative process.


Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 3pm PT - Symphony Concert


Michael Christie, conductor

Guest Artists:

Jiji Kim, guitar

Maria Casale, harp

Mariachi Divas


Arturo Marquez: Mascaras, Concerto for Harp and Orchestra

Fernando Arroyo Garcia Lascurain: Pok-Ta-Pok: El Juego De Los Dioses

Silvestre Revueltas: Ocho por Radio

Gabriela Ortiz: Exilios

Manuel Ponce: Concierto del Sur for Guitar and Orchestra

Jose Enrique Gonzalez-Medina: Las primas del General Calles

Traditional: El Son de la Negra



Price Range: