Exclusive Virtual Salon with Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra's Sound Investment Composers

Presented by Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra


Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra's (LACO) groundbreaking Sound Investment commissioning program, established to engage audiences in developing a new piece of music composed especially to suit its unparalleled musical talents, offers supporters an exclusive virtual salon featuring a conversation and Q&A with Pulitzer Prize-winner Ellen Reid, LACO's Creative Advisor and Composer-in-Residence, Sarah Gibson, Juan Pablo Contreras and Peter Shin on Thursday, May 7, 7 pm Pacific time. Reid, Gibson and Contreras, the three previous Sound Investment composers, join Shin, LACO's 2020-21 Season Sound Investment composer. His music navigates issues of national belonging, the co-opting and intermingling of disparate musical vernaculars and the liminality between the two halves of his second-generation Korean-American identity. The four artists will share their backgrounds as composers in today's classical music climate and their Sound Investment experiences, as well as offer a look forward to Shin's upcoming Sound Investment work with LACO and a Q&A. This interactive event on Zoom is open to Sound Investment supporters from the last three years and new members who sign up by May 6. To join Sound Investment, visit laco.org/soundinvest. The salon will also be available for free live streaming on Facebook Live; visit https://www.facebook.com/pg/LAChamberOrchestra/.

To participate in this exclusive salon and for additional information about Sound Investment, please visit laco.org/soundinvest or contact Brandon Faber at 213 622 7001 × 221, brandonfaber@laco.org.

Price Range:


Ellen Reid LACO's Creative Advisor, Pulitzer Prize-winner
Sarah Gibson Composer in residence
Peter S. Shin Composer
Juan Pablo Contreras Composer in residence