ICP Sunday Virtual Concerts - "Elijah's Violin", a family opera by Meira Warshauer

Presented by Interfaith Center at the Presidio

Based on a Jewish fairy tale, Elijah's Violin follows young people as they encounter demons, overcome fears and doubts, and discover the liberating power of the heart's true song. Enjoy with us the delightful performance that took place in the Presidio Chapel in 2019 in this excellent video, replete with captions.

Meira Warshauer's musical palette is wide, ranging from traditional Jewish prayer modes to minimalist textures with rich melodic contours and from joyful jazz-influenced rhythms to imaginative orchestrations of the natural world.

For the link, please email: presidiointerfaith@gmail.com prior to the day of the concert.

Free admission - to make a donation please visit:  https://www.interfaithpresidio.org/support-icp.html

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Program Items

Meira Warshauer Elijah's Violin