ICP Sunday Concerts - Music by Deon Nielsen Price

Presented by Interfaith Center at the Presidio

Please join us in person at the historic Presidio Chapel and online for ~Music by Deon Nielsen Price~ featuring To All Women Everywhere, Poetry by Carol Lynn Pearson, with Amy Goymerac, soprano; Suzanne Duffy, flute, and Susan Azaret Davies, piano and Ludwig's Letter to Eternal Beloved, Text by Beethoven, with Darryl Taylor, countertenor, and Deon Nielsen Price, composer, piano.

Free admission - Donations welcome https://www.interfaithpresidio.org/support-icp.html

Proof of COVID-19 vaccination and masks required. RSVP for in-person or live-stream to presidiointerfaith@gmail.com

Ample metered parking


City: San Francisco


Amy Goymerac soprano
Suzanne Duffy flute
Susan Azaret Davies piano
Darryl Taylor countertenor
Deon Nielson Price composer, piano

Presidio Chapel

Presidio Chapel

130 Fisher Loop
San Francisco, CA 94129
United States