Ensemble for These (Summer) Times: #2 Giving Voice to the Voiceless

Presented by Ensemble for These Times


Program #2 in E4TT's summertime listening series, Ensemble for These (Summer) Times

From the very start of the group, when we focused on “bringing new, nearly new, forbidden, and forgotten music to light,” a major part of E4TT’s mission has been to give voice to unheard/under-represented creators. Others have shared this space with us—indeed, several preceded us—and we are heartened to see numerous ensembles joining us in this attempt in the past 2-3 years. Program #2 is a 40-minute virtual snapshot of a few of the works by women, exiled, oppressed, LGBT, and POC creators we’ve performed over the past decade. The video will be at https://youtu.be/-M6X-DdD2Ho and the program notes and booklet at http://www.E4TT.org/summer2.html. The paired interview for this program will be with Chelsea Hollow, who performed with the group and also has been active in this arena https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8XrBhREFC4

E4TT’s summertime listening series of biweekly, topical programs of relevant new music from the group’s performance archives. Each program will focus on a different theme, and starting with the second program, will be paired with an interview with a creative artist who has collaborated with E4TT. Links will be announced via the group’s newsletter and social media and will expire when the new program goes live. Future dates for the series are August 11, and August 25.

Price Range:

Program Items

Missy Mazzoli Map of Laughter
Elena Ruehr Prelude
Vitezslava Kapralova Grotesque Passacaglia
Libby Larsen By a Departing Light
Stacy Garrop Noir VIgnettes


Ilana Blumberg violinist
Nanette McGuinness soprano
Anne Lerner cellist
Xin Zhao pianist
Dale Tsang pianist
Karen Rosenak pianist