The Diablo Symphony joins forces with master storyteller Susan Strauss and local choir WomenSing on Saturday, December 2, for a joyous holiday celebration geared for all ages. Beginning at 2:00 p.m. at the Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church, the program includes two movements from Tchaikovsky’s fantasy-like Symphony No. 1 ( “Winter Dreams”) as well as the new commissioned work “Winter Stories” by composer Chris Castro, with narration by Susan Strauss. A series of holiday songs by WomenSing (known for its vibrant and beautifully blended sound) and holiday orchestral favorites — from “Hannukah Overture” to “Sleigh Ride” — will delight all.
Season and individual concert tickets are available at the Lesher Center for the Arts box office (925-943-7469; 1601 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek) or online through the DSO’s website, http://www.diablosymphony.org/. Discounts for youth and groups of 10+ seniors are available, and children 12 and under are admitted free of charge to all concerts (but need a ticket to have a seat) Tickets will also be available at the door.