Come celebrate the holidays with Diablo Symphony and the Blackhawk Chorus! We have music that brings joy or inspires reflection—and some that is just pure fun. A mix of old and new holiday favorites, from Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus and Brahms’ How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place to Rutter’s What Sweeter Music and Custer’s Chanukah Festival Overture, is sure to evoke the warmth, peace, wonder, and even magic of the season. And the young of all ages are invited to join the music-making in a spirited audience sing-along.
Both performances are under the direction of Matilda Hofman, music director and conductor of the Diablo Symphony Orchestra. The 130-member Blackhawk Chorus, founded by director Diane Gilfether, has been delighting audiences in the Bay Area since 1991. It has also performed extensively abroad, including appearances at New York’s Lincoln Center, the American Music Festival in Salzburg, and in London’s historic Whitehall during celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
Advance tickets are available at the Lesher Center box office, 1601 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek, 925-943-7469, or by visiting https://www.diablosymphony.org. Subject to availability, tickets will also be sold at the door. Ticket costs: adults, $35; youth 13–17, $10; children 12 and under free.
Season Sponsors: John and Lorus Mosher, Patrick and Shirley Campbell Foundation