Join CMC Faculty Sonja Riket for a free participatory masterclass in Embodiment & Expression for Musicians. Discover somatic education at CMC and learn tools for injury prevention, rehabilitation, and performance enhancement for musicians of all types and levels.
Tuesday, March 28, 2023 from 12:30–2:00pm
Mission District Branch – Room 9
To attend this free class, please RSVP at least 24 hr prior to class with your name and choice of instrument or voice with the instructor: [email protected]
This demo class is a preparation for Spring Quarter at Community Music Center (April 3–June 12, 2023). Learn more about Embodiment & Expression for Musicians classes and Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement private lessons here.
Masks are strongly recommended but not required at CMC. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe and healthy!
Embodiment & Expression for Musicians
Tools for Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation and Performance Enhancement
“Embodiment & Expression for Musicians” is a unique course of study in the SF Bay Area, based on the integration of two somatic modalities: the Feldenkrais® Method and Body-Mind Centering®, the work of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen.
Our body is our instrument. How we use it influences the quality of our movements and the sounds we make with our voices and instruments.
In both this group class and in private lessons, you will learn tools to free yourself from tension, pain and injury; improve your posture, breathing, tone and coordination; enhance your ease in technical proficiency; and help you find a dynamic expression and creativity in performing, composing and improvising. These tools are based on embodied anatomy and physiology, movement skills and guided attention.