The California Bach Society hosts its 14th annual Summer Choral Workshop, “JS Bach: St. John Passion" on Saturday, August 17, 10:30 am-3:30 pm, in Palo Alto. Come sing with us! Paul Flight will offer insightful commentary as we sing Bach's beloved chorales and exciting choruses!
Bach’s masterpiece followed a long-standing tradition of presenting complex, dramatic works with solos, choruses, and instruments, to mark the Lutheran church year. The St. John Passion was first performed on Good Friday, April 7, 1724, during his first year in Leipzig. Singers participate in the stirring crowd choruses during the narrative, as well as in the chorales, familiar and comforting to the congregations in Bach’s time.
Scores will be available at the workshop, or you can print your own in advance (or sing along from your iPad!). You can find the music online now at http://www.calbach.org/workshop.
The workshop fee is $55, which includes music and lunch. Please register no later than 15. Register online at http://www.calbach.org/workshop or print the application and mail to California Bach Society, PO Box 1526, Palo Alto, CA 94302-1526.