I love to sing, and I love to teach singing! My extensive performance and directing experience in musical theater, operetta, and opera has given me a real understanding of vocal technique as well as the art of creating a character through music. I specialize in audition preparation - not only choosing the right song for each singer but also bringing that song to life. Studio recitals, held three times per year, provide a great venue to hone your craft, get performing experience in a supportive environment and try out your piece before bringing it to an audition.
Well-rounded musicianship is greatly encouraged in my studio; students are exposed to sight-singing and theory skills in addition to exploring varying genres and languages.
From Wicked to West Side Story, Mikado to Mozart, whatever your musical passion - my studio is a great place to learn. Come sing with me!
37.3694009, -122.1405413
Los Altos Hills, CA (94022)
Bachelor of Music, Vocal Performance, San Jose State University