ONDINE YOUNG (violin/viola) is currently teaching at Crowden/CCMC, St. David's, Tehiyah, and other local schools, and has recently been choir director, chamber-music coach and musicianship instructor at the Crowden School of Music and a conductor for the San Francisco Boys' Chorus. Previously, she headed the choral program at the University of San Diego. Ondine completed a doctoral degree at the University of Southern California, studying Choral Conducting and Early Music Performance. She received both her Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees from the University of Santa Cruz, and did graduate work at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Ondine performs with various ensembles including La Monica, American Bach Soloists, Philharmonia Baroque, Musica Angelica, Sacramento Baroque Soloists, the California Bach Society and at festivals in Berkeley, Boston, Amherst, Santa Cruz, Aspen and Abbaye-aux-Dames (France). She has recorded for Musical Heritage Society, Albany Records & Focus
37.9383242, -122.3277578
Richmond, CA (94805)
www.lamonicaensemble.com, www.crowden.org, www.tehiyah.org, www.saintdavidchoir.com, www.sfems.org, www.americanbach.org, www.philharmonia.org, www.musicaangelica.org, www.carmelbachtothefuture.org
D.M.A. from University of Southern California (choral/early music);
doctoral studies at UC Santa Barbara (choral/early music);
M.A. UC Santa Cruz (Performance practice/orchestral conducting);
B.A. UC Santa Cruz (Music/violin)
Influences of both traditional and Suzuki methods