Bruce Loeb is an experienced teacher and performer who offers piano lessons that develop musicianship, sight-reading and technique.
Learning how to produce a beautiful tone allows you to hear music better and to develop the ability to play with presence and a sense of being centered in your whole body.
When you are absorbed in the process of making music, time has a different quality. You learn how to slow down to feel yourself and become aware of how you take-in musical ideas. This work gives the ear the capacity to find the muscle patterns that make peforming expressive and articulate.
Using a keyboard consciously forms the skills which you need to be part of a music ensemble, either as a singer or instrumentalist.
When you play the piano and are centered in your body, the active and imaginatively engaged ear can integrate the tongue, eyes, arms and hands.
If you are interested in singing I can work with you to develop the range and flexibility of your voice. I will show you how to use the piano as a tool to develop a mental image of the music that enables you to hear internally and sing with confidence.
Piano lessons give you a structure with which you can engage in sustained and regular musical practice.
I use my training in somatic disciplines to cultivate an awareness of body structure and alignment. This give grounding to effort, connects feeling with breath and makes for a sense of ease. I have trained in Eutony, Pilates, Wild Goose Qigong, Yoga and Modern Dance.
Bruce Loeb has a BA in Music from UC Berkeley and studied voice and keyboard at the royal Dutch Conservatory and at the Rubin Academy in Israel. I am a member of the Music Teachers Association (MTAC). His studio is located in Berkeley, about a 10 minute walk from North Berkeley BART.
37.8680576, -122.2852374
Berkeley, CA , CA (94702)
BA Music UC Berkeley
The Royal Dutch Conservatory - The Hague
Rubin Academy - Jerusalem, Israel
musicianship, imaginative memory, eutony, qigong