I am interested... fi you're interested! I teach music theory and composition, musicianship, and music history. I worked at the San Francisco Conservatory for 30+ years in a variety of roles, from chair of the composition department, director of electronic music, director of the recording studio and many other activities. I am an active composer with several performances per year. I can teach in person or over Zoom.
37.8321173, -122.2625529
Oakland, CA (94609)
Full Name:
Alden Jenks
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Music Styles:
Teacher's Instrument/Voice:
music theory and composition, musicianship, and music history. Some acoustics as relevant.
Instrument/Voice Types Taught:
Anyone interested in what I teach. Piano/keyboard skills very useful.
I attended Yale University (B.A. Music Theory) and the University of California, Berkeley (M.A. Music Composition). I attended a workshop and participated in a performance with Karlheinz Stockhausen. I studied piano with Barbara Shearer and Robert Helps. I learn every day.
Years Teaching:
Lesson Rate:
Offers Private Lessons:
Teaching Method:
I teach in person or on Zoom. The method is basically the same for most topics --- the teacher shows examples of good musical practice; the student tries to imitate those. For musicianship, pitch detection, interval identification, some singing.
Makes House Calls: