I am now teaching part time at the San Francisco Conservatory and teaching some of the time at my home in North Oakland. You can read about me at http://www.aldenjenks.com/#!aboutaj/c2414 and at this same site you can hear many examples of the music I have composed. I would recommend me if you are looking for a teacher of wide experience who is well schooled in the fundamentals of music. My approach to teaching is determined by the student; but the fundamentals of music are, well, the fundamentals. Accent on "fun".
37.8321173, -122.2625529
Oakland, CA (94609)
Full Name:
Alden Jenks
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Institutional Affiliation:
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Music Styles:
Mostly classical but I'm easy
Age Ranges:
High School
Middle School
Yale University B.A.
U.C. Berkeley M.A.
Years Teaching:
Lesson Rate:
Makes House Calls: