Executive Diretor/CFO (part time)
Executive Director/Chief Financial Officer for American Beethoven Society (part-time)
The American Beethoven Society seeks an Executive Director/Chief Financial Officer. The ABS is a non-profit corporation that celebrates the achievements of Beethoven and helps support and build the collection of Beethoven materials at the Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies at San Jose State University.
The ABS has an annual budget around $100K. Funds are raised from donations, grants, and sales of merchandise. Expenses include purchases of manuscripts and other items related to Beethoven, salary for the ED/CFO, costs of fundraising activities, costs of concerts, etc. The offices are in the MLK Library in downtown San Jose.
For a description of the ABS and the Center, please visit AmericanBeethovenSociety.org.
The position is part-time (approximately 15 hours per week), mostly remote. The ED/CFO will
(1) Collaborate with the ABS Board, its officers and committees, and the Director and staff of the Beethoven Center;
(2) Report to the ABS Board quarterly, help organize quarterly Board meetings, and communicate regularly with the Board and Directors;
(3) Oversee budget (funding, planning, project managing, grant writing) with the Finance and Grants Committees;
(4) Maintain/oversee of business transactions using QuickBooks (Note: there is a bookkeeper.);
(5) Provide financial information for Board meetings, grant applications, and tax filings;
We are looking for a candidate who has
•Familiarity with non-profits;
•Good organizational and financial record keeping skills;
•Good communication ability.
For more details: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7h0pqu94k990sn7/ED.CFO%20position.pdf?dl=0
Questions? Application? Contact Brian Holmes, President, American Beethoven Society at brian.holmes@sjsu.edu.
Questions? Contact Brian Holmes Brian.holmes@sjsu.edu
Application: Letter of application, resume, names of two references. Send to Brian.Holmes@sjsu.edu
San Jose State, MLK LIbrary
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0171
United States