Workshops in Sacred Polyphony
Star of the Sea Catholic Church, 4420 Geary (at 8th Ave), San Francisco
Tuesdays 7–9 pm, by audition only
$10 music fee per session for participants
Session 1: Proper of the Mass
June 9, 16, 23
Experience singing a fully polyphonic Mass proper with a performance June 28. Music by Lassus and Waldbroel.
Session 2: Mass in Dorian Mode
June 30, July 7 & 14
This Mass for four part unaccompanied chorus is an early work by 20th century master Herbert Howells composed in the Renaissance style. Experience the majesty of this polyphonic Ordinary in the context of a Missa Cantata on Sunday, July 19.
Session 3: Messe solennelle
August 11, 18, 25
The monumental Solemn Mass by 19th century French composer Louis Vierne makes full use of the tonal resources of the Schoenstein organ at Star of the Sea church. Join members of our chant workshops for the culmination of our summer of sacred music on Sunday, August 30 at the 11:00 Latin Mass.
To schedule an audition, email Deadline June 8, 2015.