We are looking for 2 male and 3 female singers. The rehearsals will be March 25 through March 31, 6 - 10pm and the two evening performances will be on April 1 and 2. We have a stipend of $400 for each performer. The music is mostly in the range of middle c up to high d. Some samples of the music can be provided.
Here are the details from the producer:
Casting 2 male and 3 female performer/vocalists (plus 2 alternates) for THE DEMO, a music theater work written by Mikel Rouse and Ben Neill, based on Douglas Engelbart's historic 1968 demonstration of early computer technology. Rehearsing March 25 through March 31, 6PM to 10PM, with World Premier performances scheduled for April 1st and 2nd, 2015. Music Director Matthew Gandolfo is seeking contemporary pop vocalists with acting experience, as vocalists will be portraying various characters (office workers, techies, etc) through sung text.
Audition requirements: Please prepare a video, roughly one minute in length, with the following running order: 1) state your name 2) sing an unembellished major scale in a comfortable range, both ascending and descending, using solfeggio or any syllables of your choosing. The scale is not to display your range, but rather your understanding of pitch center 3) sing your prepared piece a cappella, with a contemporary, breathy pop sound. No Broadway belting, please.
Please send video, or a link to video, to casting123@verizon.net. Deadline for submissions is March 7, 2015 at 5 PM.