We would like to invite everyone who loves to sing inspiring and fun music in a stunning neo-Gothic building and acoustics in downtown Oakland to come and try singing with our choir. The Temple Choir as it is called (because of the magnificent cathedral-like sanctuary of the church) has always been a leader in community choral singing. For many years, our choir led performances of oratorios and cantatas bringing together hundreds of singers from all over Bay area. Now, we would like to restore that tradition and we call upon all of you to join us! We're known for singing fun African-American spirituals as well as traditional sacred music. Our first rehearsal on Saturday September 6 at 11am-1pm in the Session room will include both of these trends as we will begin with an opening chorus from Monteverdi Vespers. Our regular meetings: first Saturday every month, 11am-1pm; every Sunday 8:50am practice, 10am service till 11am. Come and join us!