Join SF to Carnegie — a project under the direction of Ragnar Bohlin, Chorus Director of the San Francisco Symphony.
Maestro Bohlin is pleased to invite Bay Area singers to apply to perform Mozart’s Great Mass in c-minor at Carnegie Hall on Sunday, May 3, 2015.
SF to Carnegie offers a unique opportunity for singers from the many and diverse choruses of the San Francisco Bay Area to experience:
One performance on stage at Carnegie Hall, under the direction of Maestro Bohlin, accompanied by a professional orchestra and professional soloists.
Three rehearsals with Maestro Bohlin in New York on the following dates:
Friday, May 1, 2015
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Three rehearsals in San Francisco with Maestro Bohlin during the spring of 2015, on the following dates:
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Sunday, April 19, 2015
In addition to his tenure as Chorus Director of the San Francisco Symphony, Maestro Bohlin teaches at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and recently founded Cappella SF, a professional chamber choir based in San Francisco. Maestro Bohlin regularly conducts choirs and orchestras in the US and internationally and is an active and award-winning recording artist.
The SF to Carnegie project is undertaken in collaboration with MidAmerica Productions which is responsible for all rehearsal and concert logistics in New York. MidAmerica offers complete artistic development and administration of the performance including venue, soloists and orchestra engagement/management; publicity and ticket sales; all rehearsal logistics and on-site support during the performance residency.
For more information go to
Contact Email:
Audition Level:
Ensemble Types:
Please refer to details in Description
Performances Per Year:
This is a single performance at Carnegie Hall in Spring 2015
Experience Required:
Please refer to details in Description
Ensemble Size: