The Old World Carolers is known for an authentic holiday spirit—We sing to benefit good causes, and do some old-fashioned outdoor (and well distanced) caroling. All our songs are traditional European carols of the 12th–19th centuries. It's all about the music! Listen at:
This year we celebrate our 37th season. We have lots of fun and generally dress Victorian for performances (some costume pieces available to borrow).
The OWC will rehearse outdoors in downtown Sebastopol starting in late August up until Thanksgiving. All participants will be vaccinated and spaced wide apart. We will use masks if individuals or the group decides to mask. We also have a sheltered outdoor area available if weather is a problem. Our rehearsal days may shift to accommodate singers; this year we will try Wednesday afternoons (may change if group decides).
Auditions open for all parts: S, A, T, B.