Director: Rick Williams
Conductor: Monroe Kanouse
Gilbert & Sullivan’s final collaboration, The Grand Duke has NEVER before been performed in full by the Lamplighters. (We did a much-abridged concert version in 1981.) Don’t miss your chance to participate in this rarely-performed hidden treasure of a show!
It’s all about role-playing. A troupe of actors plots to take over the government of the Grand Duchy of Pfennig-Halbpfennig. But who will be cast as the Grand Duke, and who will be his Grand Duchess? Political and romantic complications abound, and disputes are settled by means of a Statutory Duel, whereby cards are drawn to decide who lives and who “dies.” Ludwig keeps winning Statutory Duels and winds up with four wives vying for the role of Grand Duchess. Of course a loophole in the law is found at the last minute and all ends happily.
Principal Roles
We are looking for strong singer/actors for the following roles. Some roles may be double-cast or understudied.
RUDOLPH (Grand Duke of Pfennig Halbpfennig): Patter baritone. A mean, stingy, miserly, self-centered, and therefore very ridiculous man.
ERNEST DUMMKOPF (a Theatrical Manager): Tenor. The manager of the theatre company that’s going to take over the Grand Duchy. In love with his leading lady, Julia Jellicoe.
LUDWIG (his Leading Comedian): Baritone. The leading role in the show. Charming, self-centered, can talk his way out of – or into – just about anything. Engaged to Lisa.
DR. TANNHÄUSER (a Notary): Baritone. The company’s lawyer. Knows all about arcane laws and statutory duels.
THE PRINCE OF MONTE CARLO: Baritone. He invented roulette and sings about it. French accent.
HERALD: Baritone. Advance man for the Prince of Monte Carlo, with a nice little solo. Will probably double in the chorus in the first act.
JULIA JELLICOE (an English Comédienne): Soprano. A diva of the first magnitude. Insists on playing the lead under any circumstances. German (or Hungarian?) accent. Because the troupe of actors, who speak with English accents, are presumed to be German, the leading lady, who is English, speaks with a German accent. Very Gilbertian logic. (The woman who originated the role was Hungarian.)
LISA (a Soubrette): Soprano or high/light mezzo. Sweet young thing, engaged to Ludwig.
THE BARONESS VON KRAKENFELDT: Contralto. A rather formidable person, engaged to RUDOLPH and equally cheap and miserly.
THE PRINCESS OF MONTE CARLO: In our version, a speaking role. French accent, betrothed in infancy to RUDOLPH). Will probably double as one of the comprimarios in Act I.
Members of Ernest Dummkopf’s Company:
GRETCHEN {Small roles with some
BERTHA {solo singing lines and dialog
Chorus of Chamberlains, Nobles, Actors, Actresses, etc.
As with most Gilbert & Sullivan shows, the chorus is a very important part of the action, and has much stage time and wonderful music. We need 6 to 8 each sopranos, altos, tenors and basses.
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco
Saturday 25th April, 2015 - 8pm
Sunday 26th April, 2015 - 2pm
Mountain View Performing Arts Center, Mountain View
Thursday 30th April, 2015 - 8pm
Lesher Center for the Arts, Walnut Creek
Saturday 2nd May, 2015 - 8pm
Performers may also be scheduled to participate in one or more outreach events.
AUDITIONS ARE HELD AT THE LAMPLIGHTERS REHEARSAL HALL, 469 BRYANT STREET (between 2nd and 3rd Streets in the South of Market area of San Francisco).
AUDITIONS ARE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please send an EMAIL to requesting an audition appointment. Give your first and second choices of times (e.g. first choice – between 7 & 8 on Thursday; second choice – around 3 PM on Saturday). You will be notified by return email of the date and time of your audition appointment. If you do not have email, you may call 415-227-4797 between the hours of 10 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday (or leave a message) – but email communication is greatly preferred.
AUDITION FAQs: Please come to the preliminary audition with two contrasting songs in English, from opera, operetta or classical music theatre, that you feel will show off your voice well. You may only be asked to sing one song. An accompanist will be provided. Bring your music in the key in which you will sing it.
Also bring your headshot and resume, and your calendar so that you can give us any conflicts that you may have during the rehearsal period. If you are needed for a callback, you will be notified. Callbacks are tentatively scheduled for Saturday afternoon December 13 and/or Sunday afternoon December 14.
REHEARSALS will begin in February. Rehearsals are usually Sunday – Thursday. Some Friday and Saturday rehearsals may be scheduled as opening night approaches. A tentative schedule will be available at the auditions, and more detail will be provided as soon as available.
THE VOCAL SCORE will be provided electronically by the Lamplighters. If you would like us to provide you with a printed version, we will ask you to cover the copying costs (probably $10-15.)
CD RECORDING: Please note that we have plans to make an audio recording of this production in order to make commercial CDs for sale - all proceeds will directly benefit the Lamplighters. We are not able to offer additional compensation for these recordings, and all performers will be asked to sign a waiver. If a role is double-cast, the directors will determine which performer will be included in the recording.
PLEASE NOTE: As with any period production, cast members may be required to provide special undergarments that may be necessary (e.g., women, Merry Widows; men, dance belts), as well as tights and footwear. Also, it may be necessary for men to alter or eliminate facial hair. Cast members may be asked to donate a few hours to help with costumes, sets, mailings, etc.
Non-Equity; Non-AGMA; Some Pay
Stipends for leads will range from $150 - $350, depending on size and difficulty of role and whether double-cast. All chorus singers will be offered expense reimbursement up to $150 for three venues to help offset costs such as purchasing scores, tights and footwear, voice lessons and coaching specific to this production, travel and lodging, etc.