The Golden Gate Boys Choir is currently holding Auditions! No experience is necessary. Just a Love for Singing and a Heart for Music! We welcome membership inquiries throughout the year. Boys and parents are invited to make a personal audition
appointment with the director.
Boys ranging in age from 6 to 12 years old or boys with changed voices from 13 to 18 years old are accepted into the Golden Gate Boys Choir for a probationary three-month period. This time gives him and his family a chance to see the level of commitment and benefits of membership. Rehearsals for Apprentices are held once a week plus an additional once a month all-choir rehearsal. Minnesingers and Master Singers attend two rehearsals a week plus the monthly all-choir rehearsal.
The Golden Gate Boys Choir is a member of Pueri Cantores USA and Pueri Cantores International, the official choral music association of the Roman Catholic Church for boy~, girl~ and children's choirs throughout the world. We are a regional Catholic Boys Choir, which draws many of our member boys and families from parochial and private Catholic Schools. However, boys of any denomination are welcome as choir members, keeping in mind that we sing liturgical music for Masses and other liturgical events, Christmas Carols and other religious music, as well as folk songs, selections from Broadway musicals and patriotic pieces. Pueri Cantores International states that anyone who is willing to "sing to the world of God's peace" through music is a
welcome collaborator in our efforts to praise God, provide inspiration and offer an excellent music education to our members.
(510) 887-4311