Chora Nova, directed by Paul Flight, is a dynamic community of singers based in Berkeley, California. The group presents three programs each year, with performances in November, March, and May.
Chora Nova’s varied repertoire has included Western music, both familiar and rarely performed, from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries: Vivaldi and Zelenka, Mozart and Michael Haydn, Brahms and Hummel, Britten and Coleridge-Taylor.
Chora Nova, an auditioned chorus, draws experienced singers from around the Bay Area.
Chora Nova rehearses on Tuesday evenings at All Souls Episcopal Parish, Cedar and Spruce, Berkeley and performs at First Congregational Church of Berkeley.
The winter concert will be "A Night at the Opera" featuring opera choruses from almost the entire history of the art form, from Purcell's "Dido and Aeneas" to Philip Glass' "Akhnaten." Performance is Saturday, March 17.
The spring concert will be Baroque sacred choral music by Hasse and Zelinka. Performance is on Saturday, May 26.
For more information go to our website at